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David G. Brown
Le Favori De L’Élection Présidentielle Française, Cette Couille Molle Marié À Une Femme De 25 Ans Son Aînée
C’est l’histoire d’un mec de 39 ans, ex-banquier de chez Rothschild, qui rentre dans un bar (et dans la course à l’Élysée) avec sa femme de 63 ans. Non, ce… read more
The 4 Most Feminist Songs Of All Time Were Written By Men
Feminists may claim to be strong and independent, but the “girl power” songs they have used for years are mostly or exclusively written by male musicians and songwriters. In most cases,… read more
France’s Cucked Presidential Frontrunner Is Married To A Woman 24 Years Older Than Him
A 39-year-old former Rothschild banker walks into a bar (and the French Presidential race) with his 63-year-old wife. No, this isn’t a joke, except for maybe the bar part. “Centrist” Emmanuel… read more
If You Can Only Lose Weight To Get Revenge, Something Is Wrong With You
Have you noticed the rise in “revenge body” stories recently? Google Trends certainly has. Formerly overweight or plain obese women have been flocking to news outlets, bragging about how they managed to… read more
Woman Has Online Meltdown After Being Rejected By A Man For Being Too Muscular
I wasn’t offended that he wasn’t into me. I don’t expect everyone to be into how I look… I wasn’t trying to be a social-justice warrior [by posting on Instagram]… read more
Adored Gay Leftist George Takei Calls Child Molestation “Delightful” & “Delicious” With No Media Outcry
Hot on the heels of the liberal hit job directed against Milo Yiannopoulos, footage and audio has emerged of Pizza Hut and Taco Bell spokesman George Takei calling child molestation… read more
Why Are Men Paying “New Car” Prices For Used Women?
Twenty-first century feminism teaches women that they are just as valuable (if not more) after every additional man they have sex with. Supposedly these women are like wine and cheese, not… read more
Feminists Want To Deprive Casey Affleck Of An Oscar Because Evidence Is For Misogynists
By Hollywood standards, Manchester by the Sea is a spectacular film. The lead, Casey Affleck, gives a spellbinding performance as a tortured man who returns to his hometown after the death… read more
Some Men Are Fighting Back Against Anti-Male Hostility By Identifying As Women
Because SJWs and liberals have encouraged the mentally ill to claim whatever gender or sexual identity they desire, politically sane individuals face numerous hurdles in both their public and professional… read more
When Will Homosexuals Take Personal Responsibility For The Spread Of HIV?
What do Elton John and the late George Michael, pictured in the main photo for this article, have in common? They’ve spent years talking about HIV/AIDS, all without convincing a… read more
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