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David G. Brown
Is Milo Yiannopoulos Becoming A Liberal To Maintain His Celebrity Profile?
Free speech advocate Milo Yiannopoulos has told his followers to be “deeply suspicious” of anyone who “gives a shit” about skin color, sexuality, and gender. His comments somewhat resemble past… read more
Female Scientist Says Physics Is Being Dumbed Down To Attract More Girl Students
One of the few things that horrified me when I arrived in Australia (in 1999) was to discover that, several years ago the high school physics curriculum was “feminized”. In… read more
Man Who Sucker Punched Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer May Literally Be A Shit-Eating Cuckold
When putative alt-right leader Richard Spencer was assaulted on the day of Donald Trump’s Presidential inauguration, it made world news. Liberals and SJWs also celebrated the unprovoked, cowardly attack, which… read more
Anti-Jewish Owner Of “The Daily Shoah” Podcast Mike Enoch Outed As Having A Jewish Wife
Mike Enoch, a virulent anti-Semite and proprietor of the popular alt-right podcast The Daily Shoah (via The Right Stuff web page), has been outed for having a Jewish wife. We have little interest… read more
White American Girl Raises Over $30,000 Because Her Dad Is “Racist” Against Black Boyfriend
18-year-old Tennessee teenager Allie Dowdle has asked the public to pay for her college tuition after she claimed her “racist” father and mother cut her off financially for dating a… read more
British Media Doxes Small-Time Youtuber For Having Nationalist Views
Media outlets in Great Britain have published the location of a right-wing anti-immigration YouTube vlogger, attempting to incite a mob against him. Because he lives in a small community in… read more
Single Motherhood Causes More Sexual Violence Than A Mythical “Rape Culture”
In 2017, mothers are often venerated as faultless parents, irrespective of the way many of them screw up their kids’ lives. Yet they are only held responsible for the positive… read more
Rogue One Shows That Hollywood Is Listening To Our Complaints About Feminism In Films
Trigger warning for way too sensitive SJW souls: this review contains spoilers. Earlier this year, I wrote that the spinoff film Rogue One demonstrated Star Wars owner Disney’s hatred of… read more
Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister And Other Feminist Typists Continue To Obsess Over Us
Roosh V, a “neomasculine” man with a poor imitation of a Duck Dynasty beard… — Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, writing for Jezebel, indicating by attempted insult that she likes Roosh’s beard and… read more
5 Ways To Profit Bigly From Miserable, Childless, And Career-Obsessed Feminists
The feminist-oriented economy is booming and companies to invest in abound. Why not take advantage of it? If you don’t, someone else will. And when the inevitable stock price increases… read more
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