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David G. Brown
Editor Of Newspaper That Accused ROK Of Being Pro-Rape Has Resigned For Sexual Harassment
The editor-in-chief of Fairfax Media’s The Age, Mark Forbes, has resigned and apologized to a woman over a sexual harassment incident. This scandal comes only months after The Age and… read more
Women Sexualize Themselves For The Public As Much As For Their Husbands
Countless American and other Western men already live in de facto polyamorous relationships, including marriages. Why? Because so many long-term girlfriends, fiancées, and wives sexualize themselves as much as for… read more
Stockholm’s “Feminist” Snow Removal Program Causes The Entire City To Shut Down
Convinced that previous snow plowing policies were “sexist,” the city government of the Swedish capital of Stockholm recently implemented a “feminist” system for clearing it. It ended in disaster and… read more
Women Only Hate Female Objectification When They Can No Longer Profit From It
With her Hollywood and silver screen career options all but dried up, former Charmed actress and constantly near-naked attention-seeker Rose McGowan is now a “leading” feminist. As you would expect,… read more
Wall Street, Hollywood, The Media And SJWs Fail To Stop Donald Trump From Becoming America’s Next President
Gentlemen, Donald J. Trump is the new President-elect of the United States. Though a few results are still pending, Trump has captured the perennial large battleground states of Ohio, Florida,… read more
If You Dress Like An Attention Whore At Work, Expect To Be Treated Like One
A favorite trope of feminists and women claiming workplace discrimination is that female staff are the victims of “sexism” due to judgments about their appearance. But how many times have… read more
Federal Jury Finds UVA Rape Hoax Journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely And Rolling Stone Liable For Defamation
A ten-person federal jury has found that Rolling Stone journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely defamed University of Virginia dean Nicole Eramo with actual malice over a fraudulent college rape story. Rolling… read more
Feminists Attack Elderly Gay Man For Saying Older Women Shouldn’t Wear Yoga Pants
…not since the mini-skirt has there been something worn by so many women who should never have it on in the first place… — Alan Sorrentino, a sexagenarian gay man,… read more
Airbnb Goes Full SJW And Demands Users Host Deviants Of Every Kind In Their Home
You commit to treat everyone–regardless of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age–with respect, and without judgment or bias. — Airbnb’s new SJW diktat… read more
5 Ridiculously Stupid Things Men Keep Doing For Women
Forget the movies that set aloof men against love-seeking women. It is men who are the hopeless romantics much, if not most of the time. And they express this extraordinary… read more
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