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David G. Brown
Hillary Clinton Calls At Least 20% Of American Voters “Deplorables” For Supporting Trump
After her failed alt-right speech, which ironically saw her “extremist” opponent equal and then surpass her in the polls, Hillary Clinton has resorted to labeling half of all Donald Trump’s supporters… read more
Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte Calls Barack Obama The “Son Of A Whore”
…we will always assert the need to have due process and engage the fight against drugs in a way that is consistent with basic international norms. — Barack Obama An… read more
Double Standard: Male Victim Says Men Shouldn’t Walk Alone, No One Yells “Victim Blaming”
A victim of an atrocious physical assault, Robbie Stirling, has claimed that men should not walk home alone after nights out. The young man was set upon at the age of… read more
Chris Brown Gets Arrested After Accusation By Unvetted Woman He Allowed In His Home
As you may already know, Chris Brown was sensationally arrested this week after a woman alleged he pointed a gun at her head in Los Angeles. Self-declared beauty queen Baylee Curran… read more
Hillary’s Alt Right Speech Bombed
Hillary Clinton’s long-awaited alt right speech in Reno was a failure. Although she peddled the same ad hominem insults and falsehoods expected by Return Of Kings, her focus on a supposedly fringe… read more
Girl Plagiarizes Fifty Shades Of Grey To Falsely Accuse Her Father Of Rape
“His daughter had given a compelling interview to the police and my client had absolutely no real defence other than ‘I did not do it.’” — The barrister, Cathy McCulloch,… read more
3 Things We Have Learned A Year After The Battle Of Canada
August marks the one year anniversary of Roosh and Return Of Kings‘ defiant stand against Canadian SJW violence and social terrorism. As part of his lecture tour across North America… read more
Ugly Minority Girls Are Winning Beauty Pageants To Satisfy The Diversity Agenda
Toxic SJW notions of “beauty” (think awful role model and alleged scammer Tess Munster) are well-known. Sadly, it appears that the need to appease certain groups has now filtered down to… read more
Arrests Of Two Olympic Boxers In Rio Shows How False Rape Hysteria Has Gone Global
The opening ceremony flag bearer for Namibia, Jonas Junias, has been arrested for allegedly attempting to rape (by kissing!) an athletes’ village cleaner during the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Junias,… read more
The 10 Hottest Girls Of The Olympics
Return Of Kings wishes to interrupt its normal program of male self-improvement, exposing criminally-inclined SJWs, and hard-hitting news to bring you the ten hottest girls of the 2016 Rio de… read more
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