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David G. Brown
Dutchman Hospitalized After Waiting 10 Days In Chinese Airport For His Online “Girlfriend”
A 41-year-old Dutch man with diabetes has waited 10 days at an airport in Changsha, China for his online “girlfriend.” Alexander Pieter Cirk eventually required medical attention, including an IV… read more
3 Predictions We Can Make About A Hillary Clinton Presidency From Analyzing The DNC Leaks
The Democratic National Committee email leaks shared by Wikileaks highlight the extent to which Democrat political leaders and apparatchiks have become the same ruthless, rule-breaking fat cats they normally associate… read more
Feminist Ghostbusters Bombs Despite Hysterical Attacks Against Its Critics
Earlier this year, Return Of Kings introduced you to the terrible trailer for the all-female Ghostbusters 3. As we expected, the film has struggled terribly at the American box office. A conservative… read more
SJWs Retreat After Hairy Lesbian Feminist In Cleveland Threatens To Punch Roosh In The Face
As leftists in denial descended on Cleveland to protest Donald Trump’s Presidential nomination, one group of rabid lesbian feminists and some obsequious, effeminate white knights tried to “confront” Roosh—with hilarious results…. read more
4 Reasons Why Black Lives Matter Protestors Are Domestic Terrorists
Black Lives Matter needs to be listed as a domestic terrorist group that incites and perpetuates mass violence on the streets of America, not to mention condones the sky-high homicide rates inflicted… read more
80+ Killed In New French Attack, Police Don’t Want Video Uploads To Compromise Narrative
Only days after the French intelligence services were ridiculed for their systemic unpreparedness before the savage Bataclan murders of late last year, police are urging people not to post images of an… read more
British Police: Men Who Try To Get Laid Are Guilty Of Misogynistic “Hate Crimes”
Are you less than 100% certain a girl will accept your approach? If not, do not approach them in Nottingham and maybe soon a host of other British cities. Nottingham… read more
Why Is Obama Completely Ignoring The Dallas Shooter’s Motive Of Wanting To Kill White People?
America has a race problem. But it is not the typical race problem you hear about on the six o’clock news or in your social media news feed. Rather, it… read more
Dallas’s SJW Mayor Blames Slavery For The Deaths Of Five Policemen
This is on my generation of leaders. It is on our watch that we have allowed this to continue to fester, that we have led the next generation down a… read more
3 Sobering Facts About Friendship You Need To Know
Friendships mean a lot less now than they used to. A combination of technology, material prosperity, increased leisure time, and half-dead or zombie-like cultural loyalties means that the average person… read more
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