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David G. Brown
Why Aren’t Disabled Athletes Paid The Same As Normal Female Athletes?
Women’s sport has more than a few problems. In addition to the pathetic wrangling of female athletes for “equal pay,” despite having separate gender-based fields that spare women from being… read more
Sex With Animals Is Now Legal In Canada But Speaking Your Mind Leads To Persecution
Oh Canada, why you so lame? At a time when free speech has been under repeated attack from Vancouver to Newfoundland, the Canadian Supreme Court has ruled that bestiality falling… read more
Huffington Post And Jesse Benn Are Getting Away With Endorsing Violence Against Patriots
…there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this. — Jesse Benn glorifying and justifying violence against the Trump campaign The Huffington Post has sensationally allowed a… read more
Canadian Minister Bans Delivery Of “Right-Wing” Newspaper In Alarming Act Of Censorship
Proving that feminist politicians believe in following their feelings as much as their non-politician contemporaries, a female Canadian government minister has ordered Canada Post to stop delivering a controversial right-wing… read more
Silicon Valley Darling Elizabeth Holmes Goes From A Net Worth Of $4.5 Billion To Zero
The woman touted as “the female Steve Jobs” has had her wealth revised by Forbes from $4.5 billion last year to $0 this month. Elizabeth Holmes, whose name has been associated… read more
Australian Senator Gets Attacked By The Media For Merely Tweeting One Of Roosh’s Articles
Conservative Australian Senator Cory Bernardi, who represents the state of South Australia, is currently being lambasted by SJWs and others for prominently sharing an article on SJWs by Roosh. The… read more
Is Bedding And Keeping Virgins The Key To Successful Relationships With Women?
Dating a virgin of legal age may give the best opportunities for securing long-term, satisfying relationships. Many, many men, and certainly not just those familiar with Return Of Kings, deplore the… read more
Is Anthony Bourdain Getting Cucked By His MMA Wife?
Anthony Bourdain has emerged as one of the preeminent celebrity critics of Donald Trump. The vitriol he unleashed last year against The Donald over the latter’s illegal immigration stances was… read more
Finland’s Prime Minister Breaks Promise To House “Refugees” In His Second Home
Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä made headlines in September last year for promising to house a “refugee” family in his second home. Though hardly the sort of generosity it was made out… read more
Female Danish Athletes Diminish Their Own Championship Victory By Taking Nude Photos
A female sports team has celebrated winning the Women’s European Handball Federation Cup by posing naked with their trophy. In a photograph that shows both the attention-seeking narcissism and self-objectification rampant… read more
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