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David G. Brown
Huffington Post Staff Photo Shows That Their Idea Of “Diversity” Is Hiring Only Non-Black Women
The executive editor of The Huffington Post, Liz Heron, has celebrated “diversity” at her workplace by tweeting a photo of 14 non-black women and no men at an editorial meeting. Aside from steadfastly… read more
Muslims Reward European “Refugee” Generosity By Blowing Up Another Civilian Aircraft
As SJW Europeans, including men in relationships most weirdly of all, respond to mass rapes and other crimes by inviting ungrateful migrants into their homes, yet another civilian airliner has been… read more
4 Groups Of People SJWs Don’t Care Or Talk About
As we battle against SJWs and their egregious positions, we have the habit of challenging them only for what they support. This is certainly necessary, but one thing we need… read more
Women Will Never Admit That They Love Being Mistreated And Objectified
The most passionate relationships I have ever had all involved a healthy, even heavy dose of objectifying women. That objectification has made the woman wetter and happier, whatever intellectual opinions… read more
Either Everyone Can Use The N-Word Or No One Can
Forgetting black airport workers and travelers, what’s the first thing an Australian like me often hears an African-American saying on the street after arriving in the US? Nigga, nigga, and nigga…. read more
Feminist Senator Demands End To Filmed Rape Scenes—But Dogs Eating Babies Is Okay
After the Sansa Stark rape scene in Season 5 of Game of Thrones, über-feminist Senator Claire McCaskill and other feminist head honchos went into overdrive and lambasted the show’s producers… read more
Are Women Careless With Contraception Because They Love The Attention From Getting An Abortion?
“Having an abortion was such a traumatic experience for me.” I have heard these words before and undoubtedly I will hear them again, whether in person or via the media…. read more
4 Ways To Win Divorce Trials, Child Custody Disputes, And False Rape Accusations
Police investigations, judicial processes, and the court of public opinion are not only geared towards falsely convicting men, taking their kids away, or financially eviscerating them through divorce. They also… read more
3 Ways Women Show Their Narcissism On Social Media
The advent of social media has given rise to millions of new opportunities for women to find desperately needed attention. This phenomenon has expanded so greatly in recent years that… read more
3 Reasons I Will Never Apologize For Being White
“White people are terrible,” “I have white privilege,” and “most of the world’s problems are caused by white people” are three general statements countless social justice warriors and their enablers… read more
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