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David G. Brown
3 Chilling Predictions For The United States In 2040
The United States has gone from the most powerful country in the world, one that could best the Soviet Union in military capacity whilst having living standards ten times higher,… read more
Katie B. Nelson, Sometimes Homeless Drug User, Has Been Identified As Roosh’s Montreal Assaulter
At last, the other woman who assaulted Roosh in Montreal, Katie B. Nelson, has been identified. The literal partner-in-crime of Jessica Lelièvre (now strangely a law student) has desperately tried to avoid… read more
Why Isn’t Anyone In The Establishment Talking About Jewish And Asian Privilege?
When people of African descent speak to me about white privilege, it’s one thing, however much I find the concept deeply flawed. But when Jews and Asians, two groups which… read more
The New Star Wars Movie Spinoff Reaffirms Disney’s Hatred Of White Males
This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel. — Rogue One character Jyn Erso, continuing the sad new Star Wars emphasis on “girl power” in a world where men do basically all the… read more
3 Things You Must Do If Donald Trump Is Assassinated
The danger of Donald J. Trump or his supporters being seriously injured or killed is very real. At a minimum, you need to have a basic contingency plan for if things go south…. read more
How Female Celebrities Are Responsible For Eating Disorders And Body Image Problems
Female body image issues, from anorexia to depression, are routinely blamed on men and the patriarchy. Women are portrayed as automatons meticulously conditioned to aim for a physical perfection they… read more
Peak Female Privilege: Madonna Gropes And Exposes 17-Year-Old Girl Without Punishment
During her recent tour of Australia, Madonna brought a 17-year-old girl on stage, groped her breast, and then deliberately exposed it to thousands of concertgoers in Brisbane. The majority of… read more
Soccer Star Gets 6 Years In Jail For Fingering Teenage Girl While Female Abusers Get Lighter Sentences
Former England national soccer star Adam Johnson was recently jailed for six years for kissing and digitally penetrating a 15-year-old girl. The erstwhile winger, who also played for British club… read more
Porn Star Bree Olson Complains That People Think She’s A Slut
Media outlets across the US are giving fawning attention and victimhood to “former” porn star and apparent new feminist icon, Bree Olson. Why? Because, as she explains in the video below, everyone she… read more
5 Reasons You Should Never Date A Single Mother
Popular culture praises single mothers as high-value dating catches for discerning, good men. It is hard to find many greater lies than this one. MILF culture since the late 1990s… read more
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