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David G. Brown
German “Refugees Welcome” Activist Admits She Was Completely Wrong About Mass Migration
A narcissistic German SJW has admitted to a Polish website that she was foolish for thinking she and her associates could civilize many of the more than one million migrants and… read more
US Government Accuses James Damore Of “Sexual Harassment” For Stating IQ Differences Between The Sexes
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent US government agency, has accused fired Google engineer James Damore of “sexual harassment” for mentioning scientific studies about gender and IQ distribution…. read more
Jealous Feminists Put Hardworking Formula One Grid Girls Out Of A Job
Formula One executives have buckled under pressure from crazy cat lady feminists and banned the time-honored tradition of grid girls. A number of industrious young women with pert busts and… read more
Weak Female Murders Her “Emotional Support” Hamster, Sues Airline For “Emotional Distress”
We’ve heard of women hamstering before, but one American woman has hamstered about murdering her “emotional support” hamster. Swift Airlines wouldn’t let her take it onboard a plane, so she… read more
“Elite” Oxford University Gives Women More Time To Finish Their STEM Exams
Apparently females suffer from severe “time pressure” during exams, so Oxford University has come to the rescue and given women 15 extra minutes for their mathematics and computer science finals…. read more
“Micro-Cheating” Is The Newest Feminist Bludgeon To Control Male Behavior
The latest fixation of feminists is “micro-cheating.” Their very loose and fast definition states that it is “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person [read: man] is emotionally or… read more
30 Beautiful Women Who Became Ugly
Men need to realize that women will hit the wall by their own efforts as much as nature and aging will do it for them. Plenty of guys have dated… read more
5 Reasons Why Russia Invading Sweden Would Be A Good Thing
Sweden, concerned about a potential Russian invasion, has sent out war preparation pamphlets to nearly five million households. For most Swedes and certainly Swedish men, however, a Russian annexation would… read more
5 Men Who Substantially Upgraded Their Women
The sexual marketplace need not suck all the time. Plenty of men have laid out the path for you, often initially shacking up with the women they felt they deserved and… read more
James Franco’s Sexual Harassment Accuser Is An Attention-Seeker Who Makes “Jokes” About Raping Children
One of James Franco’s sexual accusers, Violet Paley, has a history of claiming to be pregnant to get male attention, calling men “inferior,” discussing whether she wants to be raped… read more
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