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David G. Brown
Tone Deaf Leftists Lavish Praise On Book That Features A Man Falsely Accused Of Rape
The death only days ago of To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee produced fusillades of praise from the militant celebrity left. The centerpiece of their commemorations was her flagship book about… read more
SJW Melissa Harris-Perry Has Meltdown When Her Race-Baiting TV Show Is Cancelled
Melissa Harris-Perry, best known for mocking Mitt Romney and his adopted black grandchild, has launched an epic tantrum after MSNBC chose to focus on the Presidential primary season instead of her “race… read more
Kesha Receives Support From Big-Name Celebrities For A “Rape” She Said Never Happened
A judge has ruled against singer Kesha in her recent attempt to “free” herself from a contract with producer Dr. Luke (real name Lukasz Gottwald). Despite her 2011 deposition, made… read more
Woman Kills Herself After Boyfriend Discovers She’s Using Him For Money And Gifts
I told you what my plan is. Straight after my 21st and after he has spent £1,000 to £2,000 I’m gone… After all the s*** I’ve put up with. I will… read more
Jeb Bush Shows That A Royal Name And A Lot Of Money Won’t Win You Elections
The self-immolation of privileged political child Jeb Bush is now complete. Having suspended his campaign for President after another beyond mediocre finish in South Carolina, figures reveal he spent a… read more
5 Traits That Make Women The Best Useful Idiots For Liberalism
Women might be talented but cannot be genius as they are always subjective. — Arthur Schopenhauer With the destruction of the classical liberalism of Jefferson, Montesquieu and others, a new, pernicious and… read more
European Union MEP Mary Honeyball To Propose Banning Roosh And ROK Readers From Europe
In a revelation to be dropped within a day or two, a reliable source has told us that a London newspaper will report that Mary Honeyball, a UK Labour Party Member of… read more
Phoebe Moloney’s False Reporting On The ROK Meetup Incited A Knife Wielding Mob
This teams [sic] goal is to (in a humane a way as possible) dismember or mutilate the genitals of the men who support this atrocious movement. — Laura-Rose Freeman, principal… read more
Game Of Thrones Actress Souad Faress Falsely Accuses Man Of Rape For Walking Past Her
The case has raised questions about the CPS’s decision-making in sexual assault cases. — The Huffington Post UK, reporting on the outright persecution of Mark Pearson by Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service…. read more
Idiotic Male Feminist Gets Arrested For Protesting ROK Meetup At Wrong Location
A white knight has been caught on camera (archive) getting arrested after protesting a Return Of Kings meet-up in New York City while the real meetup was being successfully held a few blocks away…. read more
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