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David G. Brown
How Super Bowl 50 Confirmed The Arrival Of The Orwellian Surveillance State
Around 60 US government agencies found themselves involved in the unprecedented security arrangements for this year’s Super Bowl. And the measures they used, including message-reading cell phone scanners, facial tracking and matching… read more
Honor Killings May Proceed While We Get Shut Down For Organizing A Happy Hour
If Roosh became Supreme Imam Valizadeh and I reinvented myself as David el-Garrett, Senior News Writer for Return of the Caliphate, SJWs would not threaten our readers and supporters with… read more
Desperate Angela Merkel Attempts To Blame Greece For The Problem She Created
The lion which ravaged the European flock is now blaming the lambs for the carnage it created. Angela Merkel, whose policies of intra-EU economic indifference have reduced Hellenic women to spreading… read more
Will Germans Resort To Merciless Violence To Save Their Country?
The German political system, responsible for the suicidal demographics that led to the mass sexual assaults and rapes in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, is in desperate need of reform. But where… read more
Canadian Feminists Failed To Have Man Imprisoned For Sending Them Mean Tweets
With Guthrie, for instance, what frightened her about Elliott was the sheer volume of his tweets about her… — The National Post reporting on the preposterous offense Steph Guthrie took to… read more
Twitter On The Road To Bankruptcy Thanks To Supporting Censorship And Social Justice
In recent times, Twitter founder and current CEO Jack Dorsey has fully embraced the social justice warrior narrative and clamped down on free speech that hurts progressives’ fragile feelings. He’s… read more
Why Internet Activism Is Insincere And Ineffective
“Slacktivism” is the term being increasingly applied to lazy attempts to promote a cause. Recently, the millions of people who changed their Facebook profile photos so they featured a superimposed… read more
Will Smith’s Revolt Against The Oscars Shows That Leftist Celebrity Solidarity Is Crumbling
Will Smith, ever the docile husband, has joined his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith in declaring that he will boycott the Oscars. The reason? The awards must be racist because no blacks were… read more
Every Violent Male Criminal Is Rewarded With Sex From Beautiful Women
Feminists, especially in relation to rape hysteria, like to cling to figures showing that a majority of serious crimes are committed by men. What is left untouched (and you can… read more
Cheating American Woman Living Eat Pray Love Lifestyle Murdered By Her African Lover
Once again, the American media is going gaga over an Italian homicide involving a female US citizen. Except this time, instead of being the prime suspect, like Amanda Knox some… read more
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