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David G. Brown
Hollywood Hypocrites: Socialist Rations For You, $40,000 Dresses For Them
Even as they lambaste Republicans and keep up the ideological war on Wall Street, red carpet-trotting, socialism-loving celebrities spent upwards of $40,000 getting ready for this week’s Golden Globes. The average American… read more
Why Hasn’t Jackie Coakley Been Punished For Starting The Biggest Rape Hoax Of The Decade?
The Washington Post, to its credit, is reporting that University of Virginia rape hoaxer Jackie Coakley faked a terminal illness and pretended to be a man to try and get her… read more
If You Proclaim White People As “Awful,” You’re Good Enough For Harvard’s PhD Program
Holly Michelle Wood’s Harvard dissertation focuses on the dating habits of Boston’s singles. She wants to dissect the modern trials of going out. — Boston Magazine illustrating why fewer and fewer folks are reading Boston… read more
New Yorkers Can Now Be Fined $250,000 For Not Using Loony Gender Pronouns Like “Ze” And “Hir”
New guidelines issued for New York City “anti-discrimination” laws now permit a $250,000 fine for “maliciously” not using someone’s prefered gender pronoun. The New York Commission on Human Rights has made some fabulous… read more
Future Leaders Of America Call For Abolishing Freedom Of Speech And The Press
The very convincing US satirist Ami Horowitz has gotten dozens of Yale University students to support his petition to stop free speech by repealing the First Amendment of the US Constitution…. read more
Congratulations To Feminists For Helping Import Actual Rape Culture To Germany
On New Year’s Eve, 1,000 men described as Arab and North African sexually assaulted 90 women in the German city of Cologne. Instead of being random, separate assaults dispersed across… read more
Sexual Predator Lena Dunham Convicts Comedian Bill Cosby Of Rape
Bill Cosby has been criminally charged with sexually assaulting one of his many accusers. Hooray! Therefore he’s guilty of all the other “rapes,” plus this one. No need for a… read more
5 Things You Should Be Doing If You Consume Porn
Several months ago, Roosh outlined the debilitating effects of readily accessible porn on men. Whilst I agree with basically all of what he said, it’s safe to assume even some regular ROK… read more
It’s A Hundred Times Easier To Come Out As Gay Or Transsexual Than As A Conservative In Hollywood
Hollywood is relentlessly making it hostile to be a conservative entertainer. Far from plateauing out, this situation is becoming more retrograde still. As if to mock it, gay, lesbian and… read more
Why Don’t SJWs Call Bill Clinton A Rapist?
Well, I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence. — Hillary Clinton, in response to a question about whether her husband’s… read more
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