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David G. Brown
Star Wars Lost $4.2 Million Because Of Our Reporting That Identified It As SJW Propaganda
Fifty-five percent of respondents to a Return of Kings Twitter poll have said that online reporting of the social justice nature of The Force Awakens influenced their decision whether to see the… read more
Roosh Attacker And Mob Instigator Jessica Lelièvre Is Now Trying To Become A Lawyer
Keen to keep the flame of SJW hypocrisy eternal, feminist Jessica Lelièvre, best known for physically attacking Roosh, leading a violent mob against him, and being rich because of old white… read more
What’s The Difference Between SJW Witch Hunts And Racially Motivated Lynchings?
In one of the bigger ironies of modern times, SJWs pursuing unsubstantiated rape allegations are resorting to the same tactics and lowest common denominator politics as Southerners and others who… read more
Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Social Justice Propaganda Film
…you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time. It’s just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and… read more
Girls Want Guys To Be Honest But Spend Their Whole Lives Lying About Their Looks
Of any mantra you’re bound to hear from girls, “What happened to all the honest guys?” or something like it will be the most common. In addition to their hypocritical… read more
Study Shows Girls Get Better Grades For The Same Work As Boys
This year the OECD released a report which admitted, amazingly, that schoolboys receive worse grades for the same quality of work as their female peers. When even the unabashedly biased… read more
Is Obese “Model” Tess Holliday Stealing Money From Domestic Violence Charities?
Some months ago, Return of Kings brought you the story of delusional and morbidly obese “model” Tess Munster, now married as Tess Holliday. She claims to teach women “body positivity,” despite… read more
Mattress Girl Threatens To Sue Newsweek For Telling The Story Of The Man She Falsely Accused Of Rape
Paul Nungesser’s complaint is filled with lies. I want to warn you to be conscientious about what you publish as ‘fact’ for I may work with a lawyer to rectify… read more
Who Cares If Islamic State Bride Samra Kesinovic Was Killed For Trying To Escape?
Bosnian-Austrian teenager Samra Kesinovic, 17, has reportedly been beaten to death for trying to flee the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. You may remember Kesinovic and her friend, fellow teen Sabina Selimovic,… read more
London Men Investigated By Police For Telling Fat Women They Are Fat
British Transport Police are investigating after women were handed detailed cards calling them “fat” and “ugly” on the London Tube public transport system. From the facts so far, these cards come… read more
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