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David G. Brown
Germany Finds Homes For Migrants As Penniless Greek Women Sell Their Bodies For Pennies
As Germany focuses its attention on accommodating at least 800,000 new Syrian arrivals, 75%+ of whom are not Syrian, cash-strapped Greek women are working as prostitutes for as little as two euro ($2.12)…. read more
Media Calls For Restraint After San Bernardino Shootings Because The Suspects Aren’t White Men
Of all the potential hate crimes you could think of, gunnning down 14 people and severely injuring many others at a center for the disabled is amongst the worst. Yet… read more
3 Ways To Transition From Pursuing Night Club Girls To Pursuing Real Life Girls
You can find plenty of attractive, interesting girls in nightclubs. That said, the greater superficiality of the nightclub scene, the ability of people to act completely different in “real life”… read more
Liberal Harvard Professors Are Now “Rape Apologists” For Defending Due Process
Not once in their statement do they ever acknowledge that nearly 30 percent of women are sexually assaulted while at Harvard, nor do they express any concern about them. Their… read more
3 Reasons Neil Strauss And Tucker Max Abandoned The Ideas That Made Them Rich And Famous
The news that Neil Strauss has repudiated game (at least for commercial reasons) did not come as a surprise to me. His newest book, The Truth, means that the first post-2000 mass… read more
University Of Ottawa Bans Yoga Class Because Of “Cultural Genocide” Against Indians
Reinforcing the image of higher education as a three to five year way to mollycoddle young adults, the University of Ottawa has banned a yoga class designed to help disabled… read more
Mizzou “White Privilege” Hunger Striker Jonathan Butler Is From A Family Worth $20 Million
University of Missouri hunger striker Jonathan Butler, who refused food so the institution’s President Tim Wolfe would resign, is yet another curious case of SJW economic and social privilege gone… read more
Idiotic Women Had Unprotected Sex With Charlie Sheen And Now Complain About HIV Risks
Even before Charlie Sheen admitted he had been infected with HIV, mostly anonymous women were already complaining about how he had supposedly exposed them to the risk of contracting the very… read more
Why Are Female Firefighters Allowed To Graduate After Failing Physical Exams?
Doirin-Holder also failed to run the required 1.5 miles in 12 minutes or less — even after the running course was slashed by an estimated quarter-mile, the source said, alleging… read more
France Allows Large Muslim Population, Rewarded With Most Sophisticated Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11
The shocking Islamic State terrorist attacks in Paris, coordinated across seven different areas, illustrates how France’s compulsive appeasement of Muslim migrants has not resulted in anything like social harmony. Rather, it has… read more
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