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David G. Brown
Dan Bilzerian’s Cuckolding Of Bodybuilding.Com Founder Shows No Man Is Safe From Female Infidelity
The internet exploded this last week with news that Instagram icon Dan Bilzerian slept with the girlfriend (not wife) of Ryan DeLuca,’s mega-wealthy founder and, until recently, CEO. In… read more
Study Shows Young Women Are Twice As Likely As Young Men To Be Mentally Ill
In a joint report issued by the Black Dog Institute and Mission Australia, it has been found that young women are twice as likely to be mentally ill as young men…. read more
Team Of Imprisoned Felons Out-Debates Harvard Debate Squad
Ms. Nugent said the Harvard College Debating Union didn’t respond to parts of that argument… — The Wall Street Journal A month ago, the illustrious Harvard debate team had their backsides… read more
4 Morning Rituals For Neomasculine Men
How you spend the first three hours of your day is the lynchpin for how the rest of it goes. You can try blind luck as a means of maximizing… read more
Why Are Only Men Punished In “Revenge Porn” Cases?
Rugby league player Curtis Sironen is not someone whose name means that much to me. But he has become embroiled in a bitter controversy, apparently having been found in bed with a woman who… read more
3 Reasons Why Only Unmasculine Men Vote Democrat
Emasculation mixed with extreme masochism is the best way to describe those men who opt for Democratic candidates in local, state, gubernatorial, congressional, and presidential elections. By basically every measure, Democrats regard… read more
Canada’s Gamergate-Hating Prime Minister Learned Feminism From His Gold-Digging Mother
The things we see online, whether it is issues like Gamergate, or video games misogyny in popular culture, it is something that we need to stand clearly against. — Justin… read more
America’s Passive Obsession With Professional Sports Is Promoting Obesity
As the money being plowed into the NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL continues to grow, America is getting fatter and fatter. Whether or not the chilling prediction that lard-loving American… read more
3 Ways To Cultivate The Discipline Of A Neomasculine Lifestyle
While some men have to work less at their goals because of innate talents and abilities they were born with, work is a significant equalizer that allows one born with… read more
4 Reasons You Need To Flake On Women Once In A While
98.5% of people reading this are not flaking on women enough. Flaking, a time-honored female trait, is one men of value must appropriate to take their sexual value to the… read more
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