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David G. Brown
If Black Lives Matter, Blacks Need To Stop Killing Each Other
The biggest violent threat to African-American communities is neither the “white” police (for example, the Baltimore officer allegedly most responsible for Freddie Gray’s death was black) nor white people in general…. read more
Bristol Palin’s Second Pregnancy Proves That The American Dream Has Died
After the birth of her first child, Bristol Palin became a highly remunerated public speaker, especially on motherhood, teens holding off on sex, and pregnancy. Before too long, she was… read more
College Poster Suggests That Only Men Are Ever Guilty Of Rape By Intoxication
This year an “old” anti-sexual assault poster from Coastal Carolina University made the rounds online. It features two hypothetical students, Jake and Josie, who were both drunk and “hooked up.”… read more
Former “Anti Capitalist” Bono Is A Billionaire Thanks To Facebook
“Irish” rocker Bono has become the world’s most cashed-up pop star and is now a billionaire in US dollar terms. A well-timed investment in Facebook six years ago means that he… read more
Why Is Sex Change Surgery Good But Normal Plastic Surgery Is “Misogynistic”?
It’s okay to have a team of doctors carve someone out a pseudo-vagina, having removed their penis and testicles, but not okay to increase the volume or firmness of a… read more
Female Ex-Employee Tried To Get $20 Million From Ashley Madison Over “Medical Condition”
In 2012, Doriana Silva tried to sue Avid Life Media, the parent company of recently hacked Ashley Madison, for $20 million. She claimed, spectacularly, that she had developed a repetitive… read more
Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants
In 2013, Japan’s Ministry of Justice (MOJ) approved only six asylum seekers’ applications for refugee status out of 3,777 cases (0.1 percent approval rate), the lowest number in 16 years…. read more
Always Subtract 40% From Every Woman’s Appearance
Here at Return of Kings, our columnists continually instruct men not to place women on a proverbial pedestal. Most of the time, this concerns emotional, psychological and romantic pedestalization. Yet the… read more
3 Ways To Survive (And Exploit) The Slutification of America
Whilst those of us supporting the manopshere and Neomasculinity are trying to forge positive changes in society, we cannot expect that success will materialize overnight. As we strive for a… read more
Women Objectify Themselves As Naked Food Platters For Money And Feminists Blame “Misogyny”
SJWs are calling for the boycott of Sydney’s Circular Quay Cruise Bar after naked women were employed as living food platters. As is typical for these kinds of fabricated controversies,… read more
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