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David G. Brown
British Police “Investigate” Long Dead British Prime Minister Over “Sex Abuse” Claims
Spurred on by the scandal involving late comedian Jimmy Saville, which led to the SJW lobby demanding more convictions (without emphasis on due process for the accused), five British police… read more
Would A Male Student Be Kicked Out Of College For Joe Biden-Style Kissing, Touching, And Lurking?
If Barack Obama were ever to be incapacitated, America would not only have a new Commander-in-Chief; it would have an inaugural Commander-in-Creepiness. Such is the reputation, largely swept under the… read more
Cold-Sensitive Feminist Crusaders Berate Patriarchal Air Conditioning
A study in the peer-reviewed journal Nature has postulated that females are more cold-sensitive than males and that standard air conditioning temperatures “favor” middle-aged men in work environments. Leaving to the side unresolved “non-issues” like… read more
Why Did Caitlyn Jenner Get A Bravery Award After Her Role In A Fatal Car Accident?
Earlier this year, Bruce-Caitlin Jenner was involved in a fatal car accident, which killed 69-year-old Kim Howe. Facing lawsuits from Howe’s family and at least one of the four others injured, Jenner… read more
South Korea’s Draft Dodging Female President Tries To Play War Using Male-Only Conscripts
According to some analysts, North and South Korea are this week closer to real war than almost any other time since 1953. American troops stationed in the South, who number… read more
Major Supermarket Bans The Sale Of Men’s Magazine After “Rape Culture” Petition
Magazines like Zoo promote attitudes that lead to violence against women. – Laura Pintur, who is yet to provide any figures about how many of the magazine’s millions of readers over… read more
More Americans Are Now Obese Than Overweight
In a development that caught many off guard this year but is thoroughly unsurprising, obese Americans now outnumber overweight Americans. And the situation in 2015 is probably worse, given that the figures… read more
Drug Smuggler Turned Canadian MPP Cheri DiNovo Libelously Calls Roosh A Criminal
“I think that people recognize the criminal that he is and that’s why he’s hiding and evading and wouldn’t say where he actually spoke.” – Actual criminal Cheri DiNovo, who… read more
Haley Yael Firkser Is Another Champagne Socialist Who Ignores Her Own Privilege
Haley Yael Firkser, one of the chief instigators of the ongoing anti-Roosh Canadian witch hunt, is another peculiar case of a privileged feminist who calls for the destruction of “male… read more
Matthew E. Duffy Urges The Making Of Criminal False Allegations To “Swat” Roosh
On Friday, Return of Kings proprietor Roosh revealed that Matthew E. Duffy had incited those planning to attend the “Demonstration against Rape Culture” in Toronto and others to “swat” Roosh and his… read more
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