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David G. Brown
Obese Size 24 Woman Shows That Any Woman Can Be A Model
Tess Munster made many headlines at the start of this year for being the first size 24 “model” to be signed to a major agency (whatever that means). Calling herself a… read more
Bisexual Attention Seeker Amber Heard Thinks She’s Above The Law
Three months ago, Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Heard, an actress more known for promoting her bisexuality than the quality of her films, brought their dogs illegally into Australia,… read more
How The Toronto Media Is Enabling Lies Aimed At Roosh’s World Tour
With his Toronto lecture looming this weekend, the local media has rabidly denounced ROK publisher Roosh Valizadeh in dozens of television news stories, radio excerpts and print articles. His defiant Montreal… read more
Feminist Jessica Lelièvre Assaults Roosh V On Street And Brags About It On Social Media
Eat my cunt! – The incredibly eloquent words of Jessica Lelièvre, anarchist-feminist and oppressed member of a multimillion-dollar construction business proletarian family. She said this after dousing Roosh in liquor, unprovoked…. read more
Sara Parker-Toulson Publicly Supported A SJW Who Wishes Rape Upon Roosh’s Future Daughter
…but i hope one day you will be the happy father of one [daughter] and that she will be raped… – Christian Caouette, the very, very logical “anti-rape” advocate who… read more
Feminist Sara Parker-Toulson Supports Violence To Stop Roosh V’s Speech In Montreal
What worries Parker-Toulson the most is that Valizadeh’s ideology could push some men over the edge. “This can turn to violence really quickly,” said Parker-Toulson. – Kalina Laframboise of the Montreal… read more
Canadian Aurelie Nix Falsely Accuses Roosh Of A Rape Threat With Help From Journalist Emily Campbell
Canadian professional SJW and all-round miscreant Aurelie Nix has falsely claimed that Roosh threatened to rape her. Despite publicly available information that proves she is lying to gain attention and calculatedly… read more
What’s The Difference Between Posting Your Cleavage And Showing Your Bank Balance On Instagram?
Kourtney Kardashian’s soon-to-be ex-husband, entrepreneur Scott Disick, became the target of online anger in 2013 for posting a series of money-themed photos on Instagram. The most “notorious” one involved a toilet… read more
Yet Another Survey Shows That LGBT Domestic Violence Rates Are The Same As Heterosexual Couples
The AIDS Council of New South Wales has declared that LGBT domestic violence is just as prevalent as in heterosexual relationships. As Australian of the Year Rosie Batty and others… read more
British Police Chief Will Prioritize Online Abuse Reports Over Burglaries
The first leader of Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council, Sara Thornton, says that British residents cannot expect police to respond to burglary reports anymore. Because of funding cuts, Ms. Thornton,… read more
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