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David G. Brown
Straight Men Will Soon Be Called Homophobic For Not Sleeping With Gays And Trannies
In 2017, straight men who refuse to date biological males dressed like women were shamed on a number of occasions for being “transphobic.” We should expect that at some stage,… read more
American Girl Accused Four Men Of Rape Because She Wanted To Get Out Of Drunk Driving Charge
Four members of Polish metal band Decapitated have had charges of kidnapping and rape against them dropped in Washington State. From September to December, they served time in jail, first… read more
Fat Lesbians Rewarded With $135,000 Judgment Against Christian Bakers Who Wouldn’t Bake Them A Cake
The Kleins were subjected to a homofascist mob that boycotted their business, threatened other wedding vendors and subjected their young children to death threats. — Fox News describing how Aaron… read more
Would You Rather Live In A Society Controlled By Sharia Law Or Social Justice?
If the flame of the West is snuffed out and the choice is between Islam and “social justice,” I’m choosing the former. Return Of Kings has long pointed out the travesty… read more
Berlin Establishes New Year’s Eve “Safe Zones” To Stop Vibrant Migrants From Raping Women
The German arm of the Red Cross, an organization designed to deal with the aftermath of wars and famines in Africa, is currently needed to protect women in Berlin. Female-only “safe zones”… read more
Black Woman Complains That “Racist” Charlie Rose Didn’t Sexually Harass Her
An ex-producer for fired television presenter Charlie Rose has complained that she was not “sexually harassed” by him due to “racism.” Currently, there is next to no evidence that Rose… read more
Harvard Newspaper Says Rating The Attractiveness Of Women Makes You Complicit In Rape
…one guy proposed the “hottest” girls in our class. The other did the same. They both then asked me to rank the girls in our cohort in the order I… read more
British Police Withhold 40,000 Messages Proving Male Student Didn’t Rape A Woman
But police sat on her messages in which she begged Liam for sex and praised his manhood. In another, she is thought to have asked a man about acting out… read more
Roy Moore’s Loss Shows How “Sexual Harassment” Is Nothing More Than A Political Weapon
Though Brexit and the election of Donald Trump taught us how we can beat the odds, Republican and true conservative Roy Moore never really stood a chance in the Alabama… read more
Women’s Football League Rejects Transgender “Woman” For Being Too Big And Strong
“Hannah” Mouncey, a 220-pound, 6’3″ transgender “woman,” has recently been excluded from playing in the female version of the Australian Football League (AFL). Australian rules football, for those who have… read more
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