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David G. Brown
The White Woman Punched In The Face By A Black Cop At A Football Game Deserved It
Feminists and white knights everywhere are up in arms because a black cop at a college football game punched a white woman who struck him (and tried to strike him… read more
Western Women Are Far More Likely To Be Killed In A Car Accident Than Murdered By A Man
When it comes to addressing the great social malaises of our time, from feminism to Black Lives Matter, the first skill lacking in most people is basic arithmetic. Words like… read more
British Authorities Will Now Use The Sexual Histories Of Men Accused Of Rape To Better Convict Them
Prosecutors will be asked to focus on a male suspect’s previous conduct in other relationships in order to find any relevant evidence. — Britain’s The Telegraph reporting on the atrocious changes… read more
Unlike “Christian” Girls, Muslim Women Are Modest And Take Their Faith Seriously
When was the last time you saw a woman with a headscarf or other form of Islamic headdress behaving or otherwise dressing like a whore? The answer is probably a… read more
Kevin Spacey “Bravely” Comes Out As Gay After He’s Accused Of Sexually Assaulting A Child Actor
An actor from the SJW-themed Star Trek: Discovery, Anthony Rapp, has effectively accused Kevin Spacey of being a pedophile. In response, Spacey did not deny the allegation that he sexually manhandled… read more
5 Ways That The Modern “Rape” Hysteria Resembles Stalin’s Great Terror
The bodies may not be stacking up like in Soviet times, but leftists in 2017 are copying Stalin’s playbook when it comes to dealing with highly dubious allegations of “rape”… read more
American Girl Gushes About Getting Divorced And “Dating” Her Way Across Europe
I think you can learn from every person and every relationship, no matter how brief (or awkward). I’m building a better picture of what I want in a partner, but… read more
Would You Bang New Zealand’s New SJW Prime Minister?
Here at Return Of Kings, we are very frank about the fact that men objectify women and vice versa. In the case of women, they are valued for their beauty and… read more
The #MeToo Campaign Compares Not Replying To A Girl’s Texts With Raping Her
If our readers have paid attention to their social media feeds over the last week or so, many of them will have noticed countless virtue signals from the #MeToo campaign…. read more
Austria Elects 31-Year-Old Conservative Shitlord As Chancellor
Austria’s conservative and nationalist parties have thrashed their leftist opposition, securing nearly 32% and 26.5% of votes respectively. The leader of the center-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), Sebastian Kurz, is… read more
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