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David G. Brown
The Guardian’s Nicole Silverberg Tells Men To Believe All Rape Claims And Always Apologize To Women
A perfect ten writing for The Guardian, Nicole Silverberg, has unlocked the ancient secrets to male excellence and how to stoke female desire. No, not really, but at least she tried…. read more
Women Demand Legal Protection Against Men For Willingly Sharing Their Own Nude Photos
Personal responsibility. There’s a phrase you do not hear much anymore, especially related to women and most especially related to women who take nude photos of themselves that somehow end… read more
Why Did Rose McGowan Attack Harvey Weinstein For Sexual Harassment But Defend A Pedophile Director?
Yeah, I still don’t really understand the whole story or history there, and I’d rather not, because it’s not really my business. But he’s an incredibly sweet and gentle man,… read more
England Is Dangerously Overpopulated And No One Is Talking About It
When people think of overcrowded European states, the first thought in the minds of many will be the Netherlands. Yet England is actually the most densely populated major European country,… read more
Instagram Model Still Single Despite Thousands Of Thirsty Men Begging For Her Attention
The morass that we call today’s sexual marketplace is leading women to ever higher expectations of men, usually with little being given to men in return. These expectations are now… read more
Rich Women Who Promote Feminism Are Gigantic Hypocrites
While countless Americans, male and female, attempt to get by week-to-week with their insufficient pay checks, average women have been taught to–or shamed into–feeling happy for women with millions or… read more
Liberal Hollywood Had Decades To Expose Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Predation But Did Nothing
“It wasn’t a secret to the inner circle,” said Kathy DeClesis, Bob Weinstein’s assistant in the early 1990s. — The New York Times Covering countless topics from the benefits of… read more
Traitors Within The Gates? Immigrants Have Practically No Loyalty To Their Adopted Countries
“German” Turks are an ever-increasing share of Germany’s population, but contemporary events demonstrate how many of them, perhaps even a majority, are much more loyal to Turkey than to the… read more
Millionaire Oxford Girl Is “Too Bright” To Go To Jail After Stabbing And Assaulting Her Boyfriend
Just as Return Of Kings predicted in June, Oxford medical student Lavinia Woodward has dutifully received her pussy pass, with a British judge sparing her from jail. This is despite her… read more
This Ugly Woman Invented 15 False Rape Accusations Before Finally Being Jailed
Prosecutor Madeleine Moore told the court police spent 6,400 hours [38 straight weeks’ worth of manpower!] investigating Beale’s claims at a cost of at least £250,000, and the trial cost at least… read more
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