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David G. Brown
Should White Girls Who Join ISIS Be Allowed Back In Europe Or Face Death In The Middle East?
Just as you should not accept a sexually-used woman into your life, Western societies should never welcome back politically, culturally, and, yes, sexually-used former ISIS girls. One of these girls,… read more
Female Executive With Music Degree Oversees Largest Computer Hack In World History
I would say the role of a CISO [Chief Information Security Officer] is similar to a military role, in fact, we see in the military and various government agencies that… read more
Teenage Delinquent Who Can’t Speak English Properly Is About To Become A Millionaire
Society continues to reward and even cultivate girls of non-legal age who act like sluts and adore anti-social behaviors. You’ve already seen it on the streets or have had to… read more
Man Agrees To See Woman Again After She Throws Her Feces Out His Window
During a supposedly “successful” Tinder date, a British woman went into Liam Smyth’s bathroom in Bristol and did her business. Believing his toilet could not flush properly, she fished out… read more
Feminist Move To Desexualize Breasts Could Allow Men To Squeeze Them With Impunity
Touching a woman’s breasts without her consent is a textbook example of sexual assault (if sufficiently proven in a court). Yet a growing number of feminists argue that both female… read more
Why Aren’t Liberals Enforcing A 50% Female Quota For Secret Service Agents And Bodyguards?
Gender social experiments in the military are being conducted at an alarming pace, but the protection of senior American politicians is being left–surprise, surprise–almost exclusively to men. While the national… read more
The Australian Military Is Enforcing A 70% Female Quota For New Recruits
First the SJWs came for the firefighter departments, then they came for the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy… Military recruiters in Australia are facing punishments from top brass… read more
Lindsay Lohan Becomes A “Chaste” Muslim Woman After Spending Years On The Hollywood Cock Carousel
Lindsay Lohan, who is now making a living out of being an on-again, off-again “Muslim,” is a prime example of how a celebrity—or plain promiscuous woman—expects to be celebrated and… read more
Australian Fire Department’s Female Firefighter Quota Of 50% Will Get People Killed
Not satisfied with regular SJW-enabling and social engineering, Australia’s biggest fire department has implemented a 50% female hiring quota. Unfortunately for residents of New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state and… read more
4 Harsh Realities Travel Nomads Need To Accept And Surmount
A number of manosphere writers, too numerous to name, have extoled the virtues of American and other men relocating to places like Eastern Europe and South America. The cultures abroad… read more
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