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David G. Brown
New Amsterdam Law Criminalizes The Act Of Unsuccessfully Flirting With Women In Public
Amsterdam, the largest city in the Netherlands and once a mecca for those interested in pot and prostitution, is in the process of criminalizing men approaching women. Though the Netherlands… read more
Billionaire’s Daughter Dumps Nice Guy For Sexy Gang Banger, Proves Crime Really Does Pay
Nice guys with rich, beautiful, or even just average girlfriends, beware. “Hot con” Jeremy Meeks is on the prowl and proving once again that criminally-inclined men, especially good-looking ones, almost… read more
Patreon Employee Aaron Ringgenberg Publicly Supports Antifa Domestic Terrorist Organization
An engineer for Patreon, Aaron Ringgenberg, has publicly come out in support of Antifa, the network of communist-anarchist activists now declared a “domestic terrorist organization.” On June 12, the New… read more
Montreal Celebrates 8-Year-Old Drag Queen And The Perverted Sexualization Of Boys
Montreal, the Canadian city that desperately tried to intimidate, assault, and perhaps even kill Roosh, has a new “hero”: an eight-year-old “drag queen” going by the name “Lactatia” (real name… read more
Judge: Female Medical Student Who Stabbed Man Is “Too Intelligent and Pretty” For Jail
A “brilliant” and “pretty” female Oxford University student who stabbed her boyfriend with a bread knife, punched him in the face, and threw a laptop, glass, and jar at him will almost… read more
MTV Doubles Down On Degeneracy By Granting “Gender Neutral” Award To Emma Watson
I’m so proud to be part of a film that celebrates diversity, literacy, inclusion, joy and love the way this one does. — Emma Watson praising the film Seeking to… read more
The French Have Elected Globocuck Emmanuel Macron And His Pro-Islamic Platform
Globalist Emmanuel Macron, who favors open borders and is backed by Rothschild bankers, has won a resounding victory in the run-off election for the French Presidency. Current estimates project that he will… read more
Bill O’Reilly’s Firing Shows That You Don’t Need Any Evidence Whatsoever To Destroy A Man
The firing of Bill O’Reilly, who for years headed cable news’ most popular show, The O’Reilly Factor, should highlight to any man that his job can quickly disappear via unsubstantiated and/or made-up… read more
We Should Thank Emily Rose Nauert For Scaring Women From Becoming SJWs
During the recent Berkeley fighting between free speech advocates and antifa, Emily Rose Nauert (or Emily Rose Marshall) tried to strike white nationalist Nathan Damigo with a weighted glove. But Damigo quickly falcon-punched… read more
Childless Feminist Journalist Tries To Secretly “Breastfeed” A Cucked Politician’s Child
Journalist and previously childless feminist Leah McLaren published an article recently about how she tried to “breastfeed” the infant son of “conservative” Canadian politician Michael Chong. The incident occurred some years… read more
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