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David G. Brown
The Doctor Who Was Dragged Off The United Airlines Flight Reacted In The Worst Way Possible
It’s very close to Easter and it seems that America needs a Christ-like martyr. He came this week in the form of a doctor “dragged” off a United Airlines flight… read more
Disney Will Make A Film About You If You’re Black, Female, And Ranked 90,000th In Your Craft
Did you come 83rd in your last triathlon in the “cities under 200,000 people” category? Get 2nd place at the county fair for breeding one of the best local pigs? Great!… read more
Men Should Train 18-Year-Old Girls In Feminine Grace Before They Are Ruined By College
Due to the three to four years of cultural indoctrination known as college, men of all ages would do well to bed, train, and tie down 18 and 19-year-old girls before… read more
When Will Women And Gay Men Apologize For All The Anorexic Fashion Models?
Even when women and gay men run the show, any bad things happening to other women is the fault of straight men reinforcing the patriarchy. In perhaps no arena is this… read more
4 Ridiculous “Crimes” British Police Investigated Instead Of Preventing The Westminster Terrorist Attack
From Britain to the United States and beyond, police resources are stretched like never before. But instead of deciding to then use the means they have at their disposal in wiser… read more
British Government Bans Female Rape Accusers From Being Cross-Examined In Court
The feminization of the justice system has continued unabated, with the nominally Conservative British government of Theresa May pledging to ban courtroom cross-examinations of alleged rape victims. The practice of prerecording… read more
Female Police Officers And Soldiers Reduce Everyone’s Safety
When the police and military are subjected to the gender diversity madness of the civilian world, we know something is wrong. And for a long time, the feminists have been… read more
Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West
The night before she died, Danielle had met some British tourists at Palolem. One of them, Dave Woodruff, 37, said she was ‘free-spirited’ and ‘really interesting’ but that a group… read more
Academic Finds 84 Serious Threats Of Violence Directed At Roosh And Return Of Kings Readers
An Australian academic has found that at least 84 serious threats of violence and “fantasies of violence” were directed against Roosh and Return Of Kings readers in early 2016. Shockingly, these… read more
Wikileaks’ “Vault 7” Revelations Prove That We Are Already In Orwell’s 1984
Smart TVs that spy on your every action and word, hijacked vehicles used to assassinate dissidents, operating systems deliberately altered to track all you do on a computer or smartphone. Seems… read more
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