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How To Build Social Influence Like A Cult Leader
Chizuo Matsumoto was born in 1955 to a large, poor family in Japan. He was born with glaucoma and subsequently lost all sight in his left eye, and retained only… read more
3 Easy Steps For Getting Women
The pickup artist world and the manosphere are packed to the brim with articles on how to attract women. Some of these articles offer a certain tactic you can use…. read more
A Basic Principle That Will Change Your Life
Curtis Jackson was born and raised in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, New York. He was raised by his mother, a cocaine dealer and a lesbian. She died when… read more
The Secret To Mastering Eye Contact
After standing up straight, eye contact is the most important piece of non-verbal communication. Imagine a man with an intimidating build and superb posture entering the room you’re currently in…. read more
The Single Most Effective Exercise Any Man Can Do
If I were to survey every guy in my gym and ask them what’s their favorite lift I imagine bench press would be the overwhelming answer. And that’s just what I’ve… read more
3 Ways To Stop Being A Little Bitch
We’re living in the age of weakness. The average modern man is becoming a bigger and bigger pussy. From living in constant fear of his boss to living under the control… read more
The Largest Factor That Determines A Man’s Perceived Value
Men perceive women primarily based on their looks. When you see a cutie walking by you, what do you notice? If you’re a straight, regular dude then it’s her figure, face, and… read more
Why Supplements Are A Waste Of Money
I’ve taken too many supplement to count over the course of my weightlifting career– everything from pre-workout powders and BCAAs to multivitamins and fish-oils. But over the last year I’ve… read more
The Top 3 Fat Loss Mistakes Guys Make
At least 95% of guys at your gym aren’t making any progress. They’re just spinning their wheels. They get to the gym, run on the treadmill for a bit, hit… read more
5 Reasons To Try A New Hobby
Last year I gave up my Krav Maga self-defense training when I was in the middle of changing jobs. I never picked it back up. While I stay quite busy splitting… read more
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