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Why You Should Embrace Rejection
Midnight. You spot a fine blonde thing in the corner of the bar – giggling with her friend. Taking one last sip of your drink, you put one foot in front… read more
Knockout Game & Misguided Masculinity
Knockout (also known as the knockout game and knockout king) – a violent activity played by sucker punching an unsuspecting bystander with the objective of knocking that individual unconscious in a single punch. (Wikipedia) If you haven’t… read more
Do You Love Game?
My background is in fitness. Having worked with many people, I now realize the ones who succeed are the ones who learn to love the process. They begin to enjoy lifting… read more
Stop Watching Porn
Watch the video below. It is a TED talk about porn and masturbation. It offers a lot of insight into an area that most guy don’t stop to think about…. read more
You Are The Most Important
It’s easy to get distracted. Back in college I would peruse Facebook. Watch the news. Play video games. Talk shit with my roommates. I would do anything to distract myself…. read more
A Proposal To Enact A Federal Fat Tax
In economics there exists a measure known as social cost. A social cost exists when an activity generates negative externalities – for example, when a power company causes environmental pollution,… read more
Does Building Muscle Get You Women?
Weight lifting should be a cornerstone activity in every man’s life. A lot arguments can be made for this. It builds strength and muscle – among many other health benefits. But… read more
One Lift To Rule Them All
This article is not about the squat. Or the deadlift. Or even the bench press. They are all great movement in their own right, don’t get me wrong. They can… read more
Everything Is Just A Hobby
“Goodbye.” I turn my shoulders and walk out of the room. Out of the building. A feeling of freedom creeps over my body. I smile, looking ahead to my next… read more
How To Shave Like A Barber
Monday, 7AM. Already late, I hop into the shower. After quickly rinsing off, I pat myself dry and head to the sink. I smear on some shaving cream and grab… read more
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