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5 Timeless Lessons From Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi was born in 16th century feudal Japan. The exact year of his birth is debated. His accomplishments, however, are not. At the age of 13 Musashi challenged an older… read more
5 Reasons You Look Like An Idiot At The Gym
The gym is a place to focus on yourself. It is a place to put on some tunes, lift heavy things, relieve stress, and grow. However, the existence of social… read more
You Were Born To Follow
9AM Monday, at the office: I make my way to the kitchen, prepare my oats, and head back to my desk – passing my boss on the way. He scurries… read more
Who Is The Biggest Alpha Male On Game Of Thrones?
Sword fights, severed limbs, and doggy style sex are all trademarks of HBO’s latest flagship television series. In other words, it’s awesome. Now in its third season, we have a… read more
10 Reasons You Can’t Build Muscle
“One last feel,” she said as she groped my chest. She worked her way down to my abdomen. And then my buttocks. I smiled. The new girl I was with… read more
2 Steps To Effective Fat Loss
Gentlemen, summer is almost upon us. It’s time to make our bodies presentable. Time to shred off fat and display the masculine physique you have built that lies underneath. At… read more
The Downfall Of Every Diet
Paleo, slow carb, vegan, atkins, intermittent fasting, you name it – they all suck. And all for one very simple reason. They artificially limit food choice. I already hear groaning. Isn’t that… read more
3 Ab Exercises Every Man Must Know
(Image credit) Have you ever had a six pack? If not, you should change that. Honestly, itâs a simple process. Depending on how much body-fat you have – it may take some… read more
Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth?
Alcohol, and its effects on building muscle is a topic that I hear about again and again. If I drink tonight, is the heavy lifting I did at the gym… read more
5 Reasons To Learn Krav Maga
Krav Maga is a self-defense system created based upon the street fighting skills of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld. He used it to defend the Jewish quarter where he lived… read more
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