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Davis M.J. Aurini
Owning A Gun Won’t Make You A Man
Let me start off by being absolutely clear about where I stand: I love guns. I love their smell. I love their sound. I love the smooth slide of a… read more
How To Transition From Casual Pickup To Marriage
In this article, I’d like to discuss the strategic differences between pursuing a woman for sex versus pursuing her for marriage. In particular, I want to talk about how excelling… read more
How To Start A Local Labor Union
I was recently sitting down with an old acquaintance, and the conversation turned to his job. He works in construction, and was frustrated with the fact that during the last… read more
10 Essential Tips For Attending An Antifa Riot
The recent success of the Fourth Battle of Berkeley is a palpable sign of the shift which is underway in Western politics. Since the election of Donald Trump, the peaceful… read more
The Lewdness Of Hillary Clinton’s Disinformation Campaign
Over the past weekend, Hillary Clinton’s Democratic machine launched the first part of their October Surprise; their final attack on the reputation of Donald Trump. It comes in the form… read more
How Society’s Harridans And Succubis Are Crushing Masculinity
John C. Wright—the full-time science fiction author and part-time theologian—once noted that heresies often come in pairs. His focus was on church heresies of the first millennium, but it is… read more
How To Master The Basics Of Communication And Game
Any martial artist who’s worth his salt will tell you the same thing: 99% of being an expert is nailing down the basics. As my old instructor liked to joke,… read more
Why “Batman Vs. Superman” Was A Failed Allegory
Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice could have been the film that helped heal the political rift that’s tearing apart America. It could have; but instead it flopped. Political and… read more
How Putting Women On A Pedestal Destroys Men’s Movements
The political left is a paradoxical amalgamation. They’ve built a tent which includes feminists who say that “gender roles” are a societal construct; transsexuals who believe that they were born… read more
Why International Meetup Day Was Cancelled
Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. ~Sun Tzu On February 3rd, 2016, Roosh was forced to cancel the International RoK meetup, scheduled for… read more
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