Posts by

Dawn Pine
What I Learned From Honoré de Balzac’s Novel “La Peau De Chagrin”
I recently read, for the first time, the great novel “La Peau de chagrin” (The Skin of Sorrow or The Wild Ass’s Skin) by Honoré de Balzac. Balzac is considered… read more
How To Understand Your Needs When It’s Time To Invest In The Market
Becoming part of the manosphere state of mind requires us to (in most cases) become an investor. Stocks, bonds, real estate (both in vitro and in-vivo), business, and any other… read more
Counterpart Suggests That It’s Never Too Late For An Old Man To Transform From Beta To Alpha
In my recent article on the movie “The Bachelors”, one of the comments (@Skeptic) suggested to provide an article for the TV series Counterpart. After watching the first season, I… read more
It Has Been 50 Years Since Enoch Powell’s Prophetic “Rivers Of Blood” Speech
On April 20, 1968 The British politician Enoch Powell delivered maybe the most important speech ever on the topic of Migration. It was called “Rivers Of Blood” speech, not because… read more
4 Red Pill Lessons From The Movie “The Bachelors”
The movie sounds interesting, but oneitis is used to describe attachment with living women. Using that term for a dead wife comes across as heartless/callous. I went to the movie… read more
12 Strategies For Dealing With A Bad Boss
In my last article, I discussed reasons why your boss sucks. That article may give some insight on the why, but most people are interested in what (to do about it). So… read more
8 Reasons You Have A Crappy Boss
Most of us are not freelancers, digital nomads or CEOs but employees, even if we can do freelance work. And I’m referring to myself as well. The most influential element in… read more
What Nietzsche Had To Say About Social Justice
SJWs are one of our favorite subjects here on ROK. If you care to do a site search, you end up with 28 pages of articles that include that term…. read more
This Year’s Active Hurricane Season Does Not Prove Global Warming
Hurricane Irma captured the world’s attention in the beginning of September. By the end of September’s first week, Irma reached its peak intensity with 185 mph (295 km/h) winds, and… read more
Why Barcelona Became A Fertile Training Ground For Islamic Terrorism
Barcelona is one of the finest cities in Europe, and maybe the world. It has one of the best architectural sites, the finest football teams, and a high reputation among… read more
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