Posts by

Dawn Pine
Victory For Fathers: Israeli Court Rules Both Parents Must Share Child Support With Joint Custody
As a divorced man, I have an ongoing burden. It is child support. I, like many of my divorced brothers, am the sole person responsible for my kid’s financial welfare…. read more
The Story Of How Female Viagra Got Approved To Fight “Sexism”
On August 18, 2015 the FDA approved the first treatment for “sexual desire disorder”. A pill named Addyi was approved to treat “acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in… read more
5 Most Common Forms Of Passive Aggressive Behavior You’ll Encounter
The feminization of our era brings with it some annoying concepts. Out of which, one that we are so used to and almost always annoyed by is the passive aggressive… read more
How Game Can Improve Your Bodily Recovery During Major Health Catastrophes
I have been semi-incapacitated twice with the exact medical condition. However, the difference was that during the first incapacitation I was blue pill and married while the second time was… read more
Hard Lessons From The Life Of Extraordinary Ballet Dancer Sergei Polunin
I went to see to the movie “Dancer” a few days ago. This is a documentary on a (relatively) unknown legendary ballet dancer, Sergei Polunin. The movie was released in 2016,… read more
6 More Tips On Raising Your Daughters On The Red Pill
My last article made some noise over at Roosh’s and ROK (with this as the original reference). So I thought, with one of the comments on Roosh’s site encouraging me, that… read more
11 Tips For Raising Your Daughter On The Red Pill
As a divorced father of two daughters, and a RVF active member, I see articles on raising sons (examples 1, 2, 3 and 4, all from this year alone on… read more
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