Posts by

Derek Baroni
What Is The Next Step In The Drone Arms Race?
Field-tested in spy and kill missions in the vast deserts of the Middle East, drones of all shapes and sizes are soon to come back to mainland US and enter… read more
FDA Considers Lifting The Ban On Gay Blood Donors
When first clusters of AIDS cases appeared in 1981 in the US, they left the medical professionals reeling and with a feeling of helplessness. This mysterious disease ravaged the immune… read more
Traditional Marriage Is How Past Societies Prevented Drama
Recently, I was visited by my cousin, his wife and their two-year-old son. Let’s call them Bob, Jane, and Damien. To the outside world, their family looks idyllic and like… read more
Can You Just Think And Grow Rich?
Mercilessly spammed all over the Internet, the gibberish ads beckon suckers into clicking them with the promise of easy money for a negligible amount of work done from the comfort… read more
Why Is The United States Still Using The Prussian Education System?
Have you ever wondered why pupils are expected to rise when the teacher enters the classroom? I have, and the strangest part to me was that I couldn’t recall anybody… read more
Playboy Endorses Dating Women Who Have Had Double Mastectomy
When I was just a boy, the Internet was something I only read about in SF novels. My main source of information and entertainment were magazines of all kinds. Thankfully,… read more
Females Have To Earn Your Respect
“Mommy, I want to play ball with the boys”, said six-year-old Annie, in a tone of voice that was rapidly approaching the dreaded high-pitched whine. “You will, my dear, I… read more
Women Just Want To Be Pampered — With Foreskin Facials
One of our readers recently sent us a link to an article describing foreskin facials and asked for the official RoK stance. I decided to look into this matter and,… read more
Slavery Practices Throughout History
What do you know about Spartans? Based solely on the movie 300 (2006), one could imagine they were fearless in combat, ridiculously ripped, and dedicated to fighting against tyranny. But,… read more
How The Welfare State Will Ruin Us All
According to one school of economic thought, each of us is a Homo economicus—a cold, calculated actor seeking to maximize pleasure and avoid discomfort while expending an absolute minimum of effort…. read more
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