Posts by
Don Selonius
How A Computer Simulation Showed Me The Cost Of Female Sexual Freedom
It is August 13, the temperature is 28 degrees Celsius, there is not a cloud in the sky. About 10 meteres beneath me, beautiful, half-naked Croatian girls immerse themselves in… read more
A Traditional Sex Role Success Story
Here is a quick short story I’d like to share with you ROK readers. A story of compassion, love and struggle. Tomas and Maria met when they were just children…. read more
3 Facts You Didn’t Know About A Woman’s Nature
After studying some evolutionary psychology, I was shocked to find that a woman’s scheming ways are actually a biological instilled trait, one she cannot readily control. I had assumed woman… read more
The Rise Of The Ratchets
Pop culture has a massive influence on the masses, especially in a place like North America. With technology and social media aiding its delivery, never has there been a time… read more
A False Rape Accusation: My Story
Iâve heard of many men being accused of rape, but few which explain the situation in detail. This is a true story and it was shortly after this that I… read more
The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You
I came across a flyer advertising on a bulletin in my cityâs (Victoria) university, and I was shocked. The feminist movement seems to be strongest in Canadaâs largest cities, Toronto,… read more
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