Posts by
Douglas Heppner
Why You Should Vote For Hillary Clinton In 2016
The local reactions to Hillary Clinton’s announcement of her candidacy for President of the United States were sharply polarized and emphatic between the two ends of the political spectrum. Listening… read more
Liberal Collectivist Academics At Vanderbilt Complain About Collectivism
Apparently there is an unsigned letter to the Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, Nicholas Zeppos, that not only shows a lack of confidence in Vanderbilt University’s “Dear Leader,” but also goes… read more
Do You Want To Save The World?
What do starving children in Africa and polar bears losing their ice have in common? They are both devices used to appeal to emotion in order to take your money. Their… read more
5 Movies To Watch With Your Sons
A friend of mine recently told me that his father used to say “my job is to teach you how to think, not what to think.” This struck me as… read more
The Double Blue Pill Can Be An Insidious Weapon Of Reaction
The 20th century was, in a sense, dominated by questions about “society.” The question was no longer “which system of government is best,” but rather “which one serves best the… read more
Why You Should Ask What’s In It For You
“People think that niceness equates to goodness, when the true motivator is selfishness”- Undisclosed, 2015 . Persistent knocking jolted me from two hours of dreamless sleep. I must have been more… read more
Could You Defeat A Past Version Of Yourself?
As I slid another 45-pound plate onto the bar, I had an odd sensation of nostalgia. This felt somewhat disturbing, so I stopped and wondered when the last time was… read more
Time Is A Non-Renewable Resource
As I rummaged through the desk abandoned by its owner, I that concluded that whoever occupied this “embassy” had left in a hurry. I found a Red Bull in the… read more
Echopraxia: Not Just A Science Fiction Novel
Is is very rare that a book can truly be thought-provoking these days, especially works of fiction in an age of consumerism, materialism, and pop culture. It’s even rarer that… read more
Women React To Not Being Your Priority
Late one evening I was scheming with a friend at a rather trendy microbrew bar. We sat at a table in a far corner to avoid prying eyes and argued… read more
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