Posts by
Douglas Heppner
I Hope Tool Releases An Album This Year
Background All this talk about the Islamic State has got me reminiscing about my second favorite country in the world, Iraq. This nostalgia also reminds me about something that seems… read more
Could The Islamic State Reorder The Middle East?
The Islamic State As you have likely heard by now, the Islamic State is a de-facto nation on the Syrian-Iraq border. The brutality and inhumanity of their tactics are well… read more
Economic Warfare And You
I was blasting some paper at the range one day, to practice to keep my pimp hand strong, when a man struck up a conversation with me. Usually the discussions… read more
Gulf War III? Just Say No
The Islamic State seems to be the grain of sand irritating the oyster of world order designed by ruling western elites. From the grand theft auto styled drive-by shootings on … read more
The Republican Party Needs To Go Away: Part II
Since my last article on the subject, I have noticed a few things. I have noticed that Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship. I noticed some conservatives take more than… read more
Black Propaganda In Feminism: Part III
While watching the blow up of the #endfathersday hash tag on twitter, I noticed one twitter user referenced on the news was one I was familiar with. “Naynay” is a… read more
Is Charles C. Johnson Ripping Off ROK?
One morning last week I was perusing my Facebook feed will sipping my Earl Grey tea. An article linked by one of my friends looked familiar to me. I clicked… read more
Stop Talking About What You Are Going To Do
Sitting in a bar booth in the not-too-distant past, I listened to someone speak of his grandiose plans to break into the restaurant industry. I have heard this plan so… read more
The Republican Party Needs To Go Away
Reflecting on the situation I was talking with a gentleman in the recent past about the political prospects for the 2016 presidential election. The usual blue pill topics of abortion,… read more
Fact Checking Emotional Propaganda
When I was making a purchase at my local bookstore last week, the cashier solicited me for a donation. This donation was for a charity dealing with sick children or… read more
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