Posts by
Douglas Heppner
An Old Man’s Perspective
Ever since having an online presence outside of Facebook, I have not come across others in a similar position. During my month-long absence from Return of Kings, I paid a… read more
Is The U.S. Military Run By Beta Males?
I watched from a distance the frustration of a field grade officer when he had to put on a helmet, belt and ballistic eye wear to enter an army maintenance… read more
Is Washington Post Writer Adam Taylor A Shill Or Part Of Something Larger?
While reading Roosh’s article about Adam Taylor and the Washington Post, I noticed quite a few things I would like to share with people here. The direct link between Adam… read more
Black Propaganda in Feminism Part II
It appears that codename “Bavarian” has escalated his propaganda operation against feminists on Twitter. His previous work has been documented here. Basically, a group of individuals are posing as various… read more
Have A List And Check It Twice
That frustration of going grocery shopping without a list is immense. You end up buying things you don’t need nor like due to pretty packaging and product placement within the… read more
Don’t Be A Host For Parasitic Women
I have noticed quite a bit of women and quite a few men are always bitching with the meme that “all men are just after sex”. After hearing it for… read more
Why Is A Woman-On-Woman Murder Involving Two Minority Groups Being Buried?
Unlikely and Non Traditional Combatants On January 18, 2014 a young woman was beaten on the street outside a nightclub. Annie Kim Pham was attacked by a group of women… read more
5th Gen War Is Already Here
All is fair in love and war so you better be ready for anything. The nature and mindset of conflict is always changing so a wise man should be cognizant… read more
Violence Is A Means To An End, Not A Coming Of Age Ritual
Just because you see the sun go across the sky doesn’t mean the sun goes around the earth. Upon reading 2wycked’s article last Sunday, the take away I got from… read more
How To Dig Out Last Night’s Holdout
History of Problem It is aggravating to wait 30 minutes after your scheduled appointment time at the doctor’s office. It is even more aggravating if you arrived 15 minutes early…. read more
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