Posts by
Douglas Heppner
Take Care Of Your Stuff
A few weeks ago my Kindle stop receiving data through the 3G AT&T wireless connection. I found a lot of info on broken Kindles but I couldn’t find any relevant… read more
Dealing With Dangerous Game: Fatty Edition
The world we live in has many strange and interesting creatures. Some are docile and of mild temperament, others can be vicious and dangerous. When a man goes out in… read more
Black Propaganda In Feminism
To those who do not know, black propaganda is information from a source that is not what it claims to be. It can be used in nefarious ways to manipulate… read more
A Great Date Idea That You May Not Have Thought Of
A New Idea Sometimes it is hard to come up with creative ideas and things to do with women. The usual dates such as dinner or movies have become the… read more
Give Lower Body A Try
Observations I’ve noticed a lot of men that work out in the gym focus mostly on the upper body. I cannot recall any time I ever had to wait in… read more
Let The World Be The World
I watched President Obama speak on Tuesday night. He spoke about intervention in Syria. A lot of people I have talked to about it have many different opinions. The most… read more
Her Place Or Yours?
A Dilemma A man must choose wisely as to where he takes a woman when it’s time to move furniture. Some argue that it is best to take a woman… read more
Thomas Friedman Does Environmentalism
One day a few weeks ago, I was wandering a military clothing store looking for shiny things. This is the store on army posts that sell uniform items, boots, and… read more
Unique Things To Consider When Going To The Bar
Background After perusing the Internet Iâve noticed many articles on what to do and what not to do at an alcohol serving establishment. Most advice pieces are from the perspective… read more
Carry The Big Stick
A man should be proficient with his weapon. Â A samurai has his katana, a centurion has his gladius, a cowboy has his six-shooter, and thatâs how it was. Personal weapons… read more
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