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Drexel Scott
It Doesn’t Matter What Women Think Of You
There comes a time in every player’s journey–generally towards the very beginning–when he realizes that women’s collective perception of him is not favorable. Recall that most women will treat a… read more
How To Recognize Meaningless Rhetoric From Masters Of Deception
Identifying and understanding the use of rhetoric is an excellent way to defend yourself against progressive poison. It is an equally good thing to apply against those who cannot be reasoned… read more
Sweden’s Fall To Leftism Is A Cautionary Tale For The Western World
To those of you who haven’t been following along with the feminist indoctrination of Sweden and its effect on their country, it is time to start paying attention to such… read more
Sex Denialism Is At The Root Of Our Cultural Decline
There are many ways to describe the “essential difference” between men and women. You could refer to it as “yin and yang.” You could refer to it as “left brained… read more
Beware The Coming Breed of “Pro-Male” Women
As Roosh accurately predicted it would a couple years ago, the manosphere is now mainstream. Excited as I am to see and be a part of this change in the… read more
Media Manipulation In Ferguson Sets A Dangerous Precedent
We’ve already written about the details of the Ferguson incident, which you should familiarize yourself with if you don’t know the real story of Darren Wilson and Michael Brown. By… read more
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