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Edgar Tru
2 Signs To Identify A Liberal In Disguise
What is a liberal? What is a conservative? Many will have different words to describe these terms, and often conflating them with Democrat or Republican. A conservative does not have… read more
How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”
An apparent liberal Muslim named Ani Zonneveld has been making headlines due to her fight against the patriarchy. Now, isn’t this sounding familiar? She operates a website called Muslims For… read more
11 Online Personalities You Should Follow
Online personalities have helped in many positive ways to shape society, change minds, and encourage more libertarian-esque or conservative values. Ever since YouTube became a well-known website, it made way… read more
3 Tips On Staying Safe As A “Gray Man”
I heard a family member make remarks on the ‘victims’ of Hurricane Florence, who knew well in advance the possible horrors which came crawling their way. But were those who… read more
4 Famous Celebrities That Are Actually Anti-Christs
I recall watching the film Megiddo: Omega Code 2 as a child. In part, it messed with me mentally. But, as I’ve grown, and in keeping with intellectual company, I… read more
6 Ways To Become A Better Conversationalist
I like to eavesdrop on folk’s conversation from time to time. I pay attention to their use in terminology, the subject matter, maturity in their tonality, etc. It’s often them bouncing… read more
Here’s The Biggest Flaw You Missed About The Founding Fathers
Human nature. It’s important. It’s how I’ve come to realize there are serious political and cultural snowball effects when a decision is agreed upon and implemented within society. After gay… read more
4 Things I Enjoy About My White Privilege
It is obvious, in twenty-first century America, that European-Americans are the most privileged group in the country. We essentially are the bees knees and everyone else is oppressed just because… read more
8 Songs You’ve Never Heard Of That Offer Subtle Red Pills
I look back on songs from years past and find myself, to some amusement, finding little red pills here and there. I have compiled a list of songs that are… read more
Can The Hijab Save Women?
If a right-winger was to convey to another right-winger that the hijab may be the unseen force of balance to preserve the West from faltering into total degenerate decay, what… read more
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