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Edward Adams
Thoughts On The Nature Of Ingratitude
“…Whát I dó is me: for that I came.” —Hopkins Our needs, philosophers have long told us, are essentially negative in character, deriving from our natural state of lack. And,… read more
Red Pill Truths In Classical Conservative Thinkers
“Life blackens at the contact of truth.” —Paul Valery The red pill worldview is fundamentally the same as the classical conservative one. Each is skeptical of simple approaches to problems…. read more
The Value Of Self-Knowledge
“We come to knowledge when we come to life.” —Wallace Stevens “A man goes far to find out what he is.” —Theodore Roethke So long as the sun rises, human… read more
39 Aphorisms On The Human Experience
1. To live in harmony is to have mastered the contradictions that make us what we are. 2. It is because we are too complex for our own good that… read more
Was America Better Off Before Smart Phones, Text Messaging, And Social Media?
“Things are in the saddle and ride mankind.” —Emerson Smartphones, text messaging, and social media seem to consume more of our time each year, and are so much a part… read more
Feminists Attack Lincoln University President For Saying Women Should Be Responsible For Their Actions
It’s hard being a feminist. Every time you settle down for some good green tea and Ani Difranco, another wicked patriarch comes along and harms another poor innocent piece of… read more
34 Aphorisms For A Civilization In Decline
1. In our time, a great man is like God: probably he doesn’t exist, and if he does, no one can see him. 2. We all prostitute ourselves in the… read more
How Liberals Neglect Contexts When Crying “Discrimination”
“The sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause, but are put on and off as the wind blows and a newspaper directs.” —Emerson It… read more
The Lena Dunham Sexual Abuse Scandal Showcases The Double Standard Of Feminism
“Evil gets the upper hand, and folly makes the most noise.” —Schopenhauer Imagine if a male celebrity was to write the following about his younger sister: One day, as I… read more
The Nature Of Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy almost never should be surprising. The only surprising thing about it occurs when people realize they themselves are guilty of it (as opposed to others), something they rarely do…. read more
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