Posts by

Edward Adams
Few People Really Believe In Equality
Although most people claim to believe in equality, if we look closely we can see that they don’t take this belief as seriously as they say. We can also see… read more
The Value Of Being A Loner
“The vulgar, that is, indeed, all mankind, a few excepted.” –David Hume “The crowd is untruth.” –Soren Keirkegaard If you read the biographies of great philosophers from the days when… read more
American Cultural Trends And The Future
The following trends, palpable and pernicious, can be expected to get worse in subsequent generations, and it may be that the time is not far off when older and better… read more
The True Nature Of Female Hypergamy
If you want to understand the nature of women, you should understand that their well-known propensity to hypergamy concerns more than just their natural desire to gain (by way of… read more
6 Aphorisms On The Nature Of Women
Let me begin with a caveat. There will of course be exceptions to these general rules, but they will usually be women who are unattractive or masculine in manner, and… read more
The Delusional Nature of Women
A woman’s mind and character, like her sense of purpose and self-worth, is determined and governed largely by her sexual market value. A stunner who is flooded by male attention… read more
The Special Value Of Humor Game
If a girl is fairly attractive, most straight men will be DTF—the male sex drive really is that simple. Personality, intelligence, conversational ability, character, interests, status—these things and others, however… read more
The Supreme Value Of Day Game
Take the typical American woman in the 7-and-up range, age range of about 18-32. At night in a bar, she may put up a bitch shield or be maddeningly sullen—not… read more
Dating American and Non-American Women: A Comparison
I could write an entire book about the superiority of non-American women to American women, so in this article I intend only to scratch the surface of this vast subject… read more
The Real Nature Of Politics
In his penetrating book Straw Dogs, John Gray observes that “in the Persian Gulf, poor and rapidly growing populations need high and rising oil prices to survive. At the same… read more
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