Posts by
Edward Thatch
The Strong & Independent Woman Translator
If thereâs anything more adorable than a 2 year old kidâs bare backside, I sure as hell havenât seen it. One find day while sitting on the couch, a little… read more
John The Baptist Syndrome
Thereâs been a few articles here at ROK lately that got several of our readers all worked up. One of them was written by me, where I advised men not… read more
Why The U.S. Divorce Rate Is Not Important
Every morning before I run out the door on my way to work, I do my best to catch up on the manosphere articles in my RSS feed. One thing… read more
How To Become A Better Misogynist
As a group, the manosphere is continually labeled misogynistic. While Iâve yet to hear of one man ever losing a wink of sleep over it, I have seen many men… read more
How To Kill Zombie Arguments
A zombie argument is defined as any debunked but still blood-thirsty female argument that just wonât fucking die. A perfect example is the âwage gapâ argument thatâs been [shot] [so]… read more
How To Get Divorced Like A Champ
True story as told by a bitter ex-wife: Step 1: As you approach your 20 year anniversary, less than two weeks after your youngest child turns 18, start a conversation… read more
8 Essential Rules To Surviving The Workplace
If I won the lottery and spent the weekend flying my new personal jet around the world with bikini models while collecting rare artifacts from sites of historical interest, the… read more
Juicing Will Kill You
In fact, everything will kill you â so you shouldnât try anything new ever. You also shouldnât be doing the things youâre doing now or the things you used to… read more
How Women Become Worthless
I really enjoy writing here at ROK. The readers are intelligent, and the short format allows for a quick dissemination of brutal truth without the tawdry and oh-so-tiresome task of… read more
Modern Women Prefer 1950âs Men
If thereâs one thing every player knows, itâs that women gravitate to gentleman who are always on their best behavior and mind their manners. Why, just the other day I… read more
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