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Elrit Frisia
3 Hard Truths The ROK Meetup Outrage Revealed About The World
It is no great secret that Roosh is a man of unfashionable opinions. However, whatever your stance on his views is, you have to admit that any honest and unbiased… read more
Why Feminists Can’t Escape Motherhood
Of all the secrets and mysteries of the world, the roles of the two sexes in the act and upkeep of reproduction is remarkably simple by comparison to larger questions… read more
Bad Things Happen When Women Lead And Men Follow
For the largest part of known human history, it has been men who have been the riders of civilization. The luminaries of the torch, the undying flame of kin, brotherhood,… read more
Material Success In Modern Times Measures Nothing
Many of us have lived our lives under the impressionable belief that success must always be at the hanging end of our every endeavor. Like a child that scurries back… read more
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