Posts by

Eric Crowley
Have We Reached Peak Narcissism With The “Selfie Stick”?
Get ready for the next level of attention whoring; the selfie stick. Yup, it’s what you think it is. A giant stick so you can take selfies without talking to… read more
Did Jezebel Pick Emma Carmichael For Editor Over A Black Woman Because Of Her Looks?
The Gawker-owned feminist website Jezebel recently landed in controversy when they passed over their black deputy editor Dodai Stewart for twenty five year old white editor Emma Carmichael. The announcement… read more
Can Female Circumcision Prevent Throat Cancer In Men?
Recently, Forbes ran an article alleging that thousands of men including JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon have been getting throat cancer in epidemic proportions due to HPV. But it’s very… read more
How To Become A Superhero
While walking in the park, I passed a group of grown men in comic book t-shirts and fedoras pretending to be superheroes. They were completely absorbed in their game, and… read more
How To Survive A Modern Day Witch-hunt
Witch-hunts are becoming increasingly common. A list of over a hundred names purged from their jobs for unpopular beliefs or controversial statements can be found here. American political warfare has… read more
How To Forgive Your Family
Mainstream sources often paint parents as beyond criticism, but most men had different childhood experiences than the picture perfect image created by Hallmark. I’ve written about the problems of American… read more
Should Men Ignore Negativity?
Many popular bloggers have publicly stated they won’t write about or give their attention to the antics of those they disagree with anymore. Even writers who’ve made their name bashing… read more
American Children Are The Prisoners Of Women
Male children are the prisoners of women. Over fifty percent of men are born into single mother households without a father or male authority figure present. Women who choose to… read more
What A Cult Leader Who Think He’s Jesus Can Teach Us About Humility
“Do not try to be superior to the people around you.” These are the parting words of Vissarion, a Russian cult leader who believes he is the Second-Coming of Christ,… read more
5 Dating Conventions That Women Killed
Dating – as we used to know it – is dead. Hookup culture is the norm in America. These social changes are largely driven by women, and their need to avoid… read more
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