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Eric Crowley
Protein Bars Are Worse Than Candy
When I first became interested in health, I thought protein bars and power bars would be a good substitute for snaking. Over time I’ve found they don’t help with weight… read more
8 Reasons To Date A Former Fat Girl
Return of Kings stance on fat girls is clear. Fat women are an unattractive social drain unworthy of male attention. But what about girls who lose weight and become fit… read more
Why Women And Gays Should Not Be Allowed In Male-Safe Spaces
Nothing seems to generate greater anger in new Return of Kings readers than the following statement on the about page: Women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. They will… read more
How “Trigger Warnings” Silence Dissent And Protect Fragile Egos
If feminists and other enemies of free speech had their way, this article and others like it would have a large bold trigger warning, stating that the content might be… read more
The Shamanic Medicine That Could Transform Your Life
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic medicine brewed by the traditional shamans of the amazon. Before the first and only time I tried it, one of the other participants told me, “ayahuasca… read more
How Misconceptions About Trolling Threaten Society
There has been a series of articles on a recent study showing self-proclaimed internet trolls score high in dark triad traits. From the abstract: Trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy,… read more
What Conan The Barbarian Reveals About The Origins Of Strength
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. – Friedrich Nietzsche The original Conan the Barbarian (1982) is one of the most important spiritual parables of our time, and reveals… read more
The 8 Stages All Movements Go Through
I recently read Doing Democracy by Bill Moyers, which is about the universal stages every political or social movement goes through. This book is to political movements what Joseph Campbell’s monomyth… read more
Why Patriarchy Is The Greatest Social System Ever Created
“One of feminism’s irritating reflexes is its fashionable disdain for “patriarchal society,” to which nothing good is ever attributed. But it is patriarchal society that has freed me as a… read more
How To Write An Online Dating Profile That Gets You Laid
There is a myth that you have to be good-looking to get laid with online dating. While it definitely helps, it’s not required. Even if you haven’t been gifted with… read more
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