Posts by

Erik Fomorian
#GamerGate, #MetalGate, And The Campaign Against Creativity
As the anti-GamerGate movement starts to lose its momentum, close on its heels is what is becoming known as #MetalGate. Although the push for censorship in metal music and the… read more
Even SJWs Can’t Deny That Personal Responsibility Trumps Privilege
A common debate “tactic” among all SJWs, from the most fanatic to the mildly adherent, is “check your privilege!” You usually hear this phrase when a middle class white male… read more
Determining The Value Of Intangible Benefits
How do smartphone manufacturers convince customers to buy their products instead of the identical products of their competitors? How do universities convince students to attend their classes when cheaper schools… read more
What I Learned From A Weekend Of Forgetting The Red Pill
Presumably, many of you found your way to the Manosphere after a particularly crushing failure with a woman. I am no different. Simply put, I closely followed the beta-provider-chump playbook… read more
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