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Eusebius Erasmus
The Dissident Right Should Adopt Gandhi’s Strategy Of Nonviolence
We are operating in times of oppression. The alt-left is vastly more violent than the alt-right, murdering five police officers, shooting a Republican Representative, and condoning Islamic extremism. With a… read more
How To Become A Catholic Priest
I know what you’re thinking: “How can a man be celibate for the rest of his life?” I will gladly address that glaring concern, but first, hear me out. The… read more
What The Smartest Women In The World Teach Us About Sex Roles
I endorse Roosh’s polemic against educating women beyond high school. Ask yourself a simple question next time you see a university girl: would her time be better spent studying and preparing… read more
The Movie “Brooklyn” Is A Sound Case Study Of Female Hypergamy
Nominated for three Oscars, and winning a BAFTA Best Film award, the 2015 movie Brooklyn might appear to be typical mainstream garbage. On the contrary! There is, in fact, much… read more
9 Reasons Why The United States Should Ally With Iran
When President Trump visited Saudi Arabia, he concluded an arms deal with the oil-rich kingdom, and toured its Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology, a think tank devoted to fighting… read more
Google Forsakes Its Reputation By Firing Employee Who Dared Sharing Mundane Facts
A Google engineer has been fired after circulating a 10-page ‘Anti-Diversity’ memo. James Damore, a published Ivy League biologist, wrote the tract, Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber, which challenges the organization’s… read more
3 Reasons Why Christian Parents Are Raising Slutty Girls And Beta Males
I grew up in the Church of England (aka Anglicanism), a church that, among other heresies, permits female ordination and gay marriage. This is perhaps unsurprising given the Church’s speckled… read more
Justin Trudeau Proves That You Can Still Act Homosexual Even If Your Dad Was An Alpha Male
By now, every Canadian is aware of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s $10.5 million cheque to Omar Khadr, a convicted Canadian terrorist. Khadr, who manufactured roadside bombs for al-Qaeda, and murdered… read more
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