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Who Is Ayrton Senna?
On May first of 1994, after a mechanical problem that rendered the steering of his car useless, Ayrton Senna would be found dead at the Tamburello corner on lap 7… read more
Loving And Hating Feminism At The Same Time
I have previously and repeatedly stated how hard it was for me to adapt to American culture once I moved to the States. How it was shocking to see women… read more
5 Things The Corporate World Taught Me
When I graduated college I was going thru a bit of an identity crisis, feeling neither Colombian nor American. It was then that I realized a much-needed time at home… read more
What Happens When Colombia Meets Columbus
I moved to Columbus, Ohio in January of 2008. I had just turned 18 and was having a blast in my birth country, Colombia. However I was offered an athletic… read more
American Culture Is Corrupting Colombian Society
While reading mister Edward Thatchâs brilliant article Expensive Woman Seeks Retarded Millionaire, I thought of Colombia. Women ignoring the unstoppable force of time is a trend that has permeated society not… read more
The 5 Socioeconomic Tiers Of Colombian Women
After a careful reading of Bang Colombia I have further recommendations for Bogota, the only city Iâve lived in. I grew up here and am familiar with everything there is… read more
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