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G.S. Luthra
Serena Williams Blames “Sexism” For Losing The 2018 US Open Championship Match
Serena Williams lost to Naomi Osaka at the 2018 US Open Championship match. What made headline news was the meltdown of Serena over a point and game violation for her… read more
The Life Expectancy Of Americans Has Started To Decline
Remember when Roosh said on Dr. Oz that we will see the first time in history where the life expectancy will be lower? Well, it just happened. According to Reuters… read more
Why Are Older Women Chasing Young Men?
In the old days when the world was more sane, marriage was between a young fertile woman in her prime and an older man who had an established career. This… read more
Why Is Donald Trump Allowing Melania To Cuck Him In Public?
Ever since the “Locker room talk” incident involving president Trump and Billy Bush, it seems he hasn’t received as much support as he normally would have from his wife. It’s… read more
New Jersey Beach Beat Down Shows Why It’s Foolish To Resist Police
Twenty year old Emily Weinman was recently arrested at Wildwood beach in New Jersey and now she is suing for excessive force used by the officers. In the body cam… read more
7 Reasons Why American Men No Longer Pursue Their Women
Baby boomers like to bash them for not “being man enough” to get married and have kids, but common sense will reveal that the “perks” and “benefits” of marriage in… read more
Gender-Altering Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) Is Turning More Than Just Frogs Gay
BPA (Bisphenol A) is a cancer-causing chemical in plastics commonly found in water bottles, containers, and in receipts. The University of Exeter tested the urine of 94 teenagers and 86%… read more
16 Things That Will Happen As America Collapses
Donald Trump bragged about his “smart” missiles launched at Syria to Russia over an unproven allegation of Assad gassing his own people while war mongers like Madman McCain and the… read more
China’s Social Credit System Copies A Video Game To Enact Systemic Totalitarianism
Long ago, I remember playing a game called Final Fantasy 12. It was an role-playing game with great visuals, but one peculiar thing I noticed was a certain obstacle later… read more
FBI Raids Office Of Donald Trump’s Lawyer To “Investigate” Allegations Of Used-Up Porn Actress
Early in the morning yesterday, special agents of the FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer Michael D. Cohen and seized records which contained confidential material between clientele, just like… read more
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