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Giovanni Dannato
3 Ways To Improve The American Constitution
Less than 200 years later, the US again finds itself facing conditions that could lead to a civil war. Like last time, the nation is starkly split over a ticking… read more
Is Civilization Just Another Name For Slavery?
You may marvel at the skyscrapers and spacecraft society has built, yet that same social order fails to tell ordinary people what is good to eat, how to find mates,… read more
Hidden Ovulation Is A Girl’s Best Friend
Mewling, sticking their butts in the air, rubbing on things. These are the typical signs of an animal in heat. Women are no different except they run a lucrative biological… read more
Why Society Owes Men Sex
A 16-year-old male needs sex for sanity as he needs food, water, or air for survival. For all of human history, there have been families and clans to guide us… read more
Women Who Don’t Reproduce Hurt Society
“Society is indeed a contract. It is a partnership . . . not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and… read more
How Contraceptives Distort Gender Relations
Men are genetically programmed to be drug addicts. Women are the drug and the dealers all in one. Men are rigged to obsessively desire sex for a reason—to compel them to… read more
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