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Graham Seibert
7 Tips For Arguing With Women
Arguments are inevitable within any relationship. There are many legitimate differences of opinion that need to be resolved. Just as obvious, there is the question of who dominates whom. Men… read more
Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of Selective Prejudice
Over breakfast, my son laid out his plan to kill the Russians. We should tunnel under their country and blow them up. Why does a five-year-old already hate Russians? It is… read more
Why Boys Need To Be Allowed To Play Outside With Wooden Sticks
This morning my five-year-old son carried a stick on the bus on his way to kindergarten. I warned him not to bother people with the stick. Repeatedly. When he came… read more
Children Car Seats Are A Symptom Of Our Pussified Society
The car seat is a metaphor for America’s treatment of its children. The parents have to take their child somewhere, invariably a place that they, not the kid, have chosen. They… read more
How To Buy Toys For Your Child
The Christmas season is upon us. It is a time of good cheer, good will and giving. A time of spreading presents among all and sundry. A season in which… read more
8 Reasons You Must Teach Your Son To Cook
A man should not be dependent on women for anything except that which women are uniquely equipped to provide: love and companionship, bearing his children, and nurturing them. Being self-sufficient… read more
How To Make A Living In A Foreign Country
There are better places to raise a family than the United States. Places with lower costs of living, better schools, and more intellectual freedom. However, one has to eat. The… read more
What It’s Like To Live In Kiev After Marrying A Ukrainian Woman
Suppose you are one of those adventurous Americans who meets and marries a beautiful foreign woman. You are the envy of all your friends. What next? You can bring her… read more
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